In [ ]:
import networkx as nx

NetworkX Data Capabilities

NetworkX has many built in functions to read data from a variety of formats. Because formats can be pretty esoteric this is also the source of many bugs. Please if you find them report them. Here is a brief list of the file formats NetworkX can read and write, and their corresponding function names

Format Read Function Write Function
Adjacency List nx.read_adjlist nx.write_adjlist
Edge List nx.read_edgelist nx.write_edgelist
Graph Exchange XML Format (GEXF) nx.read_gexf nx.write_gexf
Graph Modeling Language (GML) nx.read_gml nx.write_gml
Pickle, Python's serialization format for NetworkX graphs nx.read_gpickle nx.write_gpickle
GraphML nx.read_graphml nx.write_graphml
Leda nx.read_leda nx.write_leda
Multiline Adjacency List nx.read_multiline_adjlist nx.write_multiline_adjlist
Esri Shapefile nx.read_shp nx.write_shp
Yet Another Markup Language (YAML) nx.read_yaml nx.write_yaml
p2g (metabolic pathways) nx.read_p2g nx.write_p2g
pajek nx.read_pajek nx.write_pajek
sparse6 nx.read_sparse6 nx.write_sparse6


  1. What format did we save the classroom graph in the last session? Load it using the correct function.
  2. Save the same graph using a different format above. Save it to the ./data/ folder

In [ ]:

Creating Graphs from Other Python Data Structures

Matrices and Arrays

It is often useful to create graphs from other types of python data structures. In particular, graphs are often represented by matrices. If your data has a matrix represenatation, NetworkX can easily create a graph using from_numpy_matrix

In [ ]:
import numpy as np

In [ ]:
n = 25
A = np.random.binomial(1,1.1/n,size=(n,n)) # Random 1/s with probability 1/25
G = nx.from_numpy_matrix(A)

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

Quick Quiz...

What kind of graph is the one above?

NetworkX can handle other data structures such as a list of edges (from_edgelist) and scipy sparse matrices (scipy_sparse_matrix). You can use the create_using keyword to make a DiGraphs or MultiGraphs.

In [ ]:
edges = []
for u in range(n):
    for v in range(n):
        if u % 3==0 and u>v:
        elif u % 3 == 1 and v < u:

In [ ]:
D = nx.from_edgelist(edges,create_using=nx.DiGraph())

You can also create matrices out of already created graphs

In [ ]:
G = nx.Graph()
for u in range(5):
    G.add_edge(u,u,index=u) # Self loops!

In [ ]:

You can output weighted matrices too

In [ ]:

Other Graphs

Another obvious way to create graphs is to use other graphs. This can be especially useful when coverting between Graphs and DiGraphs or making copies of graphs for modification.

In [ ]:
D = nx.DiGraph()

In [ ]:
G = nx.Graph(D)

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
G = nx.Graph()
D = nx.DiGraph(G)

In [ ]:

Notice when we create a directed graph from a graph we get edges in both directions.

Graph Operations

Finally, NetworkX includes a number of graph operations to make combining graphs easier. First some exercises so we have some graphs to mess with.

  1. Create a complete graph called C of five nodes
  2. Create a line graph and called L of 10 nodes
  3. Create a star graph called S with of 7 nodes with 0 at it's center

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

Try out these functions, what do they produce?

  • nx.compose(C,L)
  • nx.cartesian_product(S,L)
  • nx.complement(S)


To get ready for the next section let's write a function that implements the Kronecker Graph of order k. This is simply the tensor_product of a graph applied to itself k times. That is, if we have a graph $G$, with adjacency matrix $A$ and kronecker product(tensor product) $\otimes$, the Kronecker Graph of order $k$ is a graph with Adjacency matrix

$$(A)^k = \underbrace{A \otimes A \otimes \cdots \otimes A}_{ k \text{ terms}}$$

Let's also assume (as they do in the paper) that the kronecker graph always has self loops on all the nodes.

I'll give you the function stub and you can fill in the details

In [ ]:
def kronecker_graph(G,k):
    K = nx.Graph(G) # For the kronecker graph we are going to return
    B = nx.Graph(G) # For the base graph 
    for n in K: 
        #Add self loops to both K and B
    for i in range():# Add the number of kronecker products here
        #Create K using the appropriate networkx product function
    return K

Make a kronecker graph of order $k=2$ out of the Line graph L.

  • How many nodes should it have?

In [ ]:
K = kronecker_graph(L,2)